Fountain in the hilltop village of Gourdon on the French Riviera

fontaine Gourdon

I have had such a wonderful time this morning in the lovely village of Gourdon, perched on a hilltop overlooking the Mediterranean coast.

I found a little corner in the shade where I could happily paint this beautiful fountain with crystal clear water. The soothing sound of the water coming out of the mouth of the statues was delightful and very refreshing. Early morning is a great time to paint because shadows are very interesting and there are not too many tourists. The tall building at the back is a “lavoir” where villagers used to do their washing.

Thank you all for your visit this morning.


I have had many visitors family and friends who came to see me and had a look at my paintings.They braved the crowds and the difficulty of finding a parking space…

Wonderful morning, lovely warm weather and I thank particularly Lin who made sure I was confortable with the umbrellas providing good shading.

It was a magical morning as opposite my stand was a magician showing tricks to the passers-by.

I managed to start another painting with pictures of Antibes that I had taken a few days before. Here below is the work in progress :



At last but not least thank you to my dear husband who helpt me to carry all my equipment and kindly brought me a cup of coffee to keep me going…